Time Gate (part two) 2011-2012

Full HD, colour, stereo, 2 min 47 sec

Cast: Jan Jelle Keppler, Brick Rutten
Soundtrack: Brick Rutten
Realisation, camera, editing: Shanglie Zhou

This video-installation is a part of the international philosophical art project “Walking On Thin Ice - experiments with truth, justice and reconciliation”
in cooperation with international institutions and in collaboration with international scholars, artists. 2007 - ongoing © Shanglie Zhou

The International Art Festival in Chora of Naxos, Greece 23.06 - 08.07.2012 (Catalogue)

The International Art Festival at Patio of Corfu's Psychiatric Hospital in Corfu, Greece 11.07 - 27.07.2012 (Catalogue)

Selected video still: